Thursday, March 13, 2014

End of the LIne?

Since moving into Buffer's place post Panama Fred's, time has flown by.  It's been almost three weeks since we've moved into our new pad and it has been a great place for us.  The house itself is extremely comfortable and located close to Paunch one of the breaks we've been surfing frequently.  The kids have a large yard that they can go down and explore in and the sounds of howler monkeys or exotic birds are a running sound track here.  We're closer to the ground here and not elevated 20 feet in the air so it's much easier to spot wild life.  Jordan on the porch yesterday shouted at us in the kitchen to come check out a Parrot in the yard.  What it turned out to be was a Toucan which is a rare sighting considering they're pretty much endangered on the island.  We were lucky to have it fly around our yard for 20 minutes for us to check out before he flew off.  It's probably been one of the best places we've stayed on this journey so far.
Jungle Hide Away - Rare Bird Sighting:

We celebrated Jordan's birthday on March 1st by waking up early so he could open his gifts which we had brought from the states when we were living in Nicaragua by our friend Tom.  Jordan was very excited to get a Rescue Bot and an old school Optimums Prime transformer.  Pretty cool to see him so excited over classic toys.
After a quick breakfast, we headed over to Starfish beach early to enjoy a couple hours of Starfish hunting and snorkeling.  Starfish beach was a slight disappointment considering the online world paints it to be a beach that is littered with the magical little sea creatures.  The reality is we only saw a few.  One of the best ones we saw, pictured here, was about the size of a dinner plate.  We were able to kick around in snorkel gear and take photos with the GoPro while Melissa actually swam down to touch him.
Bday Boy with Mom - Starfish Sighting:

Our opportunity to explore in Panama is considerably better than it was in Nicaragua with the rental of the "Red Dragon".  The Jeep is a great vehicle to get around Bocas and the kids love it.  No doors, no kid seats, a plastic bag for gas cap and only one break light but you can take it in the mud or sand without worry.  The folks at Flying Pirates who we rent from have really taken care of us checking out some small issues we've had quickly.  The Jeep also comes with access to a gated private property at the north end of the island which we went out to explore this week.  It's kind of a hassle getting out there on the rutted single trek road which is designed more for the ATV's Flying Pirates rents than the Jeep we have.  Once out there, you can explore La Pacina (the pool in Spanish - which is a shallow cove for swimming), the blue lagoon, monkey trails, the bat caves or a smaller island dubbed Bird Island.  On our initial journey out there we checked out La Pacina and the monkey trails.  We were delighted to see many howler monkeys who were eager to check us out and howl back as we tried to speak their language.
Red Dragon - Monkeys:


The surf has been small but fun here this last week and not at all like the first two weeks where it was consistently 5-6 feet or larger for almost 10 consecutive days.  Caranero reef hasn't liked this most recent round of small swell leaving us to surf Paunch reef more frequently.   We prefer the set up at Caranero due to it being a longer more user friendly wave.  Paunch is faster and has more high performance characteristics, but the trade off is a sketch entry and exit over a cheese grater of a reef that is filled with hundreds upon hundreds of urchins that are visible as you wade across it.

Unidentified Lining One Up at Paunch - Drug Across the Reef - Urchins on the Reef:

Our photos, simply can't do the surf here justice.  It's super heavy at times.  Check out this feature that a local photographer shot on Magicseaweed of Silverbacks if you want to see what one of the most insane breaks here is like:
We're gearing up for another run of 7 consecutive days of big swell which is nice because the Panama leg of our journey might end our trip.  I've been interviewing with a company back in the states that might have us returning at the end of March for a job.  We've also got a couple of contingency plans in place that include Costa Rica and then back to Mexico through June should the opportunity I've been pursuing not come to fruition.  End of the line for the endless summer?  We'll see.....
Parting Shots Bluff Beach:
 Shell Drago - Hermit Crab Stare Down: